The framework within which policy-makers and decision makers have been operating over the past decades in Britain and most Western countries has been dominated by ‘managerialism’. This is a focus on the best way of managing and implementing policies in the socio-economic and political spheres which transcend, indeed almost dismiss, ideological considerations of left and […]
Prince William and Kate Middleton appear to be a personable, attractive young couple, and as with the news of anyone’s wedding, no reasonable person can wish them anything but health and happiness for the future. The problem is, that unless you’re closeted on Mars or sequestered in some isolated Buddhist monastery in the Himalayas, every […]
The Coalition Government’s public spending cutbacks have provoked much outrage. A lot of that has been directed at the economic case for the cutbacks with observers arguing that reductions on this scale are unjustified and run counter to the imperative to stimulate an economy through deficit finance at a time of recession; on the contrary, […]